Podcast 016 : Absolver, Steep, Tyranny, Overwatch - First Geek

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Podcast 016 : Absolver, Steep, Tyranny, Overwatch

Podcast 016 : Absolver, Steep, Tyranny, Overwatch   

Also: gloriously substantial 7/10 games and style mashups that should likely never bump.

Now that the team is nearly play to rumbling posture (Andy went domicile  with hay febrility), let Prophet and Tom change you in on their assail hits  and misses of E3. Also, Phil's been performing Overwatch. He apologises and  endeavors to romp something new for succeeding period. Finally, what is a Tom  Older game, and why should you expend near £5 on one?

You can get Film 16: Lads On Tour here. You can also hold on iTunes or cook up with new releases using our RSS treat.

Games: Absolver, Steepish, Overwatch, Control, Domiciliate of the Moribund Sun, Tom Senior's 7/10 Group.

This period : Samuel Gospeler, Phil Criticise, Tom Sr..
Podcast 016 : Absolver, Steep, Tyranny, Overwatch Reviewed by Unknown on 12:55:00 AM Rating: 5 Podcast 016 : Absolver, Steep, Tyranny, Overwatch    Also: gloriously substantial 7/10 games and style mashups that should li...

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